My name is Anantha. (pronounced : uh-nun-thɑː, Kannada: ಅನಂತ; meaning: infinity).

I am a second-year Ph.D. student at UMD Physics and QuICS. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Michael Gullans. I also closely work with Prof. Justyna Zwolak at NIST. Previously, I received my BS-MS (Physics) from IISER Pune, India, working with Prof. M. S. Santhanam and the IBM-Quantum Research team.

My research interests lie in the intersection of Quantum Information and Condensed Matter Physics. My research aims to study many-body quantum systems, understand their behavior, and harness their non-classical properties to build useful, scalable devices for practical applications. The focus of my Ph.D research has primarily been on gaining a deeper understanding of quantum many-body systems with feedback. To solve these puzzles, I employ and develop analytical, numerical, and statistical approaches. Some of my current research projects are on:

  • Manybody interacting hybrid systems with dynamic feedback.
  • Semiconductor quantum dot devices (device theory, shuttling quantum information between processors, and automation of experiments).
  • Characterization, Verification, and Validation of quantum-information processing devices (QCVV)
  • Machine learning (Quantum-enhanced and Classical) and tensor networks.

I share my interests, cool thoughts, and insights on various topics on this website. A lot of things that I gain from my research do not end up being part of the final research papers I write, but I would be very happy to talk to and learn from the research audience. I strongly believe in science being a collective and collaborative effort, and I look forward to discussing ideas.

If you are interested in my CV (updated Nov 2024) here it is!

Research Highlights

  • MAViS is out! Accepted at Physical Review X (arxiv2411.12516). Audio podcast link.
  • Contributed talk at Silicon Quantum Electronics (SiQEW) 2024.
  • Conducted a tutorial on learning electron configurations through NMR spectroscopy with machine learning at Brown AI Winter school (YT link).
  • During my master’s thesis, I worked with IBM Research on developing new variational quantum algorithms for generative machine learning.
  • At IISER Pune, I worked with Prof MS Santhanam on various problems related to quantum chaos, many-body localization, and quantum search algorithms.
  • In 2021, I co-founded and led the software team of Curem Biotech, the first student-led startup at IISER Pune (We raised over $50k).
  • An avid supporter of FOSS (Free and Open source software), I also write code for various open-source organizations (Julia, iGEM, and ML4SCI)

Pet projects

  • QeVAE (2022 - present): A quantum-enhanced variational autoencoder
  • QCompiler (2021 - present): A quantum compiler that executes quantum circuits and gates
  • QuantChaos (2021 - present): An introductory set of tutorials and code on the quantum kicked rotor
  • DelemaDetect (2020): Deep learning for Malaria detection
  • PacMal (2020): Peptides against Cerebral malaria. (insilico modeling of peptide drugs)


  • I like and use Goodreads to keep track of my reading lists.
  • I previously used Quora but abandoned it after aggressive paywalls.